Ace the Oregon Security Guard Test 2024 – Unlock Your Future Now!

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Why should a security guard be aware of the hazards present within their site?

In the event of an emergency

In the event they need to move the material if it spills

In the event they need to know which way to evacuate

A and C

A security guard should be aware of the hazards present within their site for a multitude of reasons. In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or chemical spill, it is crucial for the security guard to be aware of the potential hazards in order to take necessary action to keep themselves and others safe. This includes knowing where emergency exits and evacuation routes are located. Additionally, being aware of hazards enables the security guard to take proactive measures to prevent accidents or incidents from occurring, rather than just reacting to them. Overall, option D is the most comprehensive answer, as both A and C are important factors for a security guard to consider regarding hazards present within their site. Option B is incorrect because a security guard's primary role is not to clean up spills, but rather to handle security and safety concerns.


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